You have many alternatives to work with to get your products or components for your products manufactured. Why would you choose to work with Do It American over other sources? Here are some of the reasons:
GREAT PEOPLE – This is where the difference in Do It American starts. One of the things that we like to say in the people on our shop floor are our best salesforce. We would like to invite you to come and see our shop for yourself and meet our people. You will find a group of people working together, who really care about doing the best that they can to meet your needs.
RESPONSIVE, COST EFFECTIVE MANUFACTURING – We are not a Job Shop. At Do It American we look at manufacturing very different than a traditional job shop would. We specialize in setting up small “right sized” processes that meet your exact needs and we work with you to connect this process directly to your consuming process to minimize the lead time, eliminate the need for large batches of inventory, and lower the overall cost of ownership. We can share numerous examples of how these lean, continuous processes provide responsiveness, high quality, and low cost that cannot be achieved by a job shop.
GAS UTILITY EXPERIENCE – Do It American has built a strong reputation in the Gas Utility Industry for creative solutions and high levels of performance. Whether it is our own line of bypass systems, specialized service tech tools, bollards, or gas piping assemblies we do for many utilities, we will do a great job for you with quality levels and lead times that are not common in the industry.
MANUFACTURING EXPERIENCE – The staff at Do It American has decades of experience in various manufacturing industries. We can evaluate your manufacturing needs and recommend processes to get you products into production.
CAPABILITY – Processes currently in house include CNC Machining, Metal Fabrication, Robotic Welding, Assembly, and many more. In additional to this we have a network of terrific manufacturing partners and suppliers that we work with to ensure all your needs are met.
CREATIVITY / ENGINEERING – Do It American has engineering and design capability to help bring your products to life. We do our engineering work in the most current version of Solidworks and have designed all of our own products, many pieces of production equipment, and products to meet specific customer’s needs. Often customers approach us needing design help and we are able to finalize a manufactured design.
GAS UTILITY EXPERIENCE – Do It American has built a strong reputation in the Gas Utility Industry for creative solutions and high levels of performance. Whether it is our own line of bypass systems, specialized service tech tools, bollards, or gas piping assemblies we do for many utilities, we will do a great job for you with quality levels and lead times that are not common in the industry.
Please enjoy the materials available on this website and or give us a call if you would like to discuss your needs. We would love to help you Do It American.